Frequently Asked Questions
Absences, Tardies, and Early Release
Please contact the school in advance of the first day. The office phone number is 623-282-2871.
Items forgotten at home such as lunch, textbooks, homework, sports equipment and/or musical instruments may be dropped off at the school and placed in a designated area with the student’s name, grade, and teacher for pick up. An email notification will be sent to the teacher that the item has been dropped off. ESI does not guarantee the delivery or timing thereof.
In the event that a student cannot attend school, the parent or guardian must notify the school. You can report absences in the following ways:
Text: 928-235-8457
Call: 623-282-2871 (leave voicemail if no answer)
Please note that an email or Class Dojo message to the classroom teacher will not suffice. Any absent student who has not had a parent contact the attendance office by the end of the school day will be marked as “unexcused.”
ESI strongly recommends that families obtain a doctor’s note whenever your child is sick enough to miss more than one day of school. While we do not require the note in order to have your child’s absence excused, we do recommend obtaining the documentation in the event of a future truancy meeting due to excessive absences (more than 10% of the school year). In the case of some illnesses, a doctor’s note may be required before a student can return to school. Please call the school office if you have any questions regarding your child’s return to school after illness.
Please contact the school office for the necessary paperwork.
Students who are tardy must have a parent/guardian sign them in at the front office and they must receive a tardy slip before going to class. Parents should be aware that tardy students who arrive after a certain time might be marked as absent for half or all of the day in accordance with state instructional minutes guidelines. Students are also expected to make up missed assignments due to tardies. Students with frequent tardies tend to perform below their peers because of the missed instructional time.
Students are expected to make up mandatory assignments/assessments that are missed due to absences. A student may be given up to one week to make up the missed assignments. For absences that exceed three days, parents should contact the teacher so the student can have access to assignments while out due to illness.
Caregivers must be on the child's pick up list and be ready to present an ID at the front office to verify their identity (Driveline signs will not be accepted as a form of ID). For the safety of the students, and to minimize front office disruption, the school does not allow students to sign out during the last 30 minutes of the school day, unless there is an emergency.
Extended-care begins on the first day of school.
You can sign your child up for Extended Care here.
Information on after school clubs will be posted on Class Dojo and emailed to families approximately 2 weeks before the semester begins. You will be able to sign your child up for clubs by visiting, Clubs & Enrichment.
After School Activities
It is our policy that students do not distribute invitations to parties during school. We encourage parents to join the ESI Parent Association and participate in sponsored activities.
Please check with your child’s teacher by sending them a Class Dojo message. If the teacher approves the treat, please follow their drop off directions. All treats must be store-bought (not homemade) and be free from allergens identified for students in that class.
The student dress code can be found online in the student handbook ( Students will be asked to change clothes if they are wearing something inappropriate. Inappropriate tops must be replaced, turned inside out (graphics/language) or covered with an appropriate top, not with a front closure covering (i.e. jacket, sweater, hoodie).
Dress Code
Students are expected to read for 20 minutes each day. Younger students who are not yet independent readers should be working on the specific skills assigned by their teacher (i.e. letter names, site words, Frys word lists). Independent readers should be reading challenging books at their reading level. All language arts modules have at least one student text to accompany the module, so we encourage students to read their class texts in addition to texts of interest to them. Students in 5th-8th grades are also expected to complete 20 minutes of Khan Academy practice each day. Unfinished classwork may also be assigned as homework.
The first parent-teacher conference is in August of each school year. Teachers will share the students’ benchmark results and set learning goals based on this first assessment. Please visit our school’s event calendar for important dates and a list of all school events. You can also find events posted on Class Dojo.
ESI closely monitors students’ progress in each subject area. Students who are not at grade level according to our benchmark assessments will be given a diagnostic assessment to see if they have specific gaps in learning. We then place students in appropriate interventions based on the diagnostic results. This may include pulling students out of Social Studies or Science for extra reading and/or math support. Our 5th-8th grade students also have a 30 minute intervention period at the end of the school day for extra practice and support in Reading, Writing, Math, and Science as well as Music Enrichment.
Medical Concerns
Please contact the school office to discuss any medical concerns. My child takes a prescription medicine, what do I need to do? Parents or legal guardians must fill out and sign the Medication Request Form. This form must be renewed annually and as needed if there are any changes to the student’s care needs. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must bring all medications directly to the school office. Students are NOT allowed to bring in any medication. This includes any refills on existing medications or over the counter medications.
Prescription medication and over-the-counter (OTC) medication may be given by the Office Manager or another staff member, as delegated by the school principal, during school hours. Students may not self medicate.
Yes, please contact the school office. If your child will be eating school lunch, you must also contact Nutrition One, LLC to arrange lunch accommodations.
We do have loaner instruments (i.e. guitars, ukuleles, piano/keyboards) that can be made available to students over weekends and breaks. Please contact the music teacher for details on loaner instruments. For other instruments, we recommend that parents contact their local music store to make arrangements to rent an instrument for their child.
Musical Instruments
Parent Communication
ESI staff use ClassDojo to communicate with families. School events, student portfolios, newsletters, and direct messages are the most frequently utilized message types. For urgent matters, school staff may make a phone call to the designated caregiver.
No. Students at ESI do not have to dress out for PE. However, close-toed shoes are required to participate in class.
In the event of medical necessity, students may be excused from physical activity with a note from a healthcare professional.
Physical Education
Driveline usually takes just 15 minutes during the school year. Please note, it can take upwards of 30 minutes for the first few weeks, as students and caregivers become used to the process.
When you come to school to pick up your child, you will enter the Driveline lane. If you have a kindergarten through 4th grade student, please make sure that your driveline sign (provided to you on the first day of school) is propped up and visible on your windshield. ESI staff working outside during Driveline will call K-4 students over a 2 way radio. Your child’s teacher will send your child to the loading zone. Students in 5th-8th grades will monitor the driveline themselves and walk to their vehicle. Generally, by the time your child gathers their belongings and makes their way to the pickup lane, you are there or almost there. Please do not park your vehicle and walk to the loading zone.
Only those adults listed on your child’s Emergency Contact form may pick up your child. If you need to add or change emergency contacts, please make the request through the school office.
Please contact your child’s teacher on Class Dojo to request a replacement sign.
You will need to contact the school office as soon as possible for any change of pick up plans.
Caregivers must select the unsupervised release option of “bike” or “walk” on the online enrollment form. Teachers will be provided with a list of unsupervised release students. At dismissal each day, unsupervised release students will walk with the designated staff members to the appropriate release location on campus.
In the case of an emergency requiring the student to walk home, parents/guardians must Dojo or email the front office and the child’s teacher, so that there is a temporary written release on file.
Changes may be made at any time in the front office, however, it takes 48 hours for the change to be effective, so please plan accordingly.
If you are unable to pick your child up on time, please contact the front office. For the regular school day students picked up more than 15 minutes after dismissal will be considered a late pick-up and you will be charged the Extended Care rate. Please note, if we are not able to contact you or the emergency contacts listed, we may be required to call local authorities to assist. Staff is not permitted to transport children to or from school.
Pick-up Process
ESI is not nut-free campus and we do serve nuts during our lunch program.
Please contact the school office to discuss any medical concerns.
The school lunch menu is available via the school’s lunch portal. A link and sign in information is available on the school’s website at Parent Resources > School Lunch Program.
Parents can pay for their student’s lunch via the school’s lunch portal. A link and sign in information is available on the school’s website at Parent Resources > School Lunch Program.
Lunch costs $3.85. If the student qualify for Free or Reduced lunch, the school provides lunch at no cost.
You can apply for free and reduced-price through our online application or by picking up an application in the school office.
Parents are invited to join their child for lunch on Student Showcase days. Parents need to be on their child’s pick up list and present their photo ID. Talking to a Teacher I need to be transferred to my child’s teacher. During the school day, teachers are focused on their students and classroom. If you need to reach your child’s teacher, please send them a ClassDojo message as opposed to calling the school.
School Lunch
Yes, visitors are allowed on campus. However, all parents and visitors must sign in at the front office, present a photo ID and be listed as an Emergency Contact (or be accompanied by an Emergency Contact). The same rule applies for attending student showcases and ceremonies.
We feel that active parental involvement is critical to the success of our students and schools. To volunteer with teacher supervision in the classroom, you must complete a School Volunteer Agreement. To work directly with students, you must also hold a valid Fingerprint Clearance Card. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the school office for more information.